Merry Christmas!!
Okay, today is not Christmas, but it is Christmas Eve! So MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Oh I can't wait! Tonight I will open Christmas gifts and listen to me, Josiah, and Amy on UCB Canada, 102.3 FM at seven p.m. Oh please do listen!! It will be a special program. First me, Josiah, Amy, and the hosts will do Kidzone. Then there will be Odyssey. After that there will be Kidzone again, tell eight p.m. ( Usually after Odyssey there is an other program) Boy, when we recorded we sure had a blast!!
Well Merry Christmas from,
The Pony Dreamer!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Just three more days 'til Christmas!!
Here something to hold you over, in till then! :)
The Pony Dreamer!
Here something to hold you over, in till then! :)
The Pony Dreamer!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Please....... DON'T SNOW!!!!
Only four days tell Christmas Eve! Most kids want a white Christmas. Me I want it to STOP snowing!!
Tomorrow I will be dancing my "Jingle bells" dance and singing "it's so good to have you home" and "Go tell it on the mountain." But sad for me it is going to snow another five to ten cm. of snow!! I won't be able to go if it snows like that.
On Monday, I will be recording a episode of Kidzone on UCB Canada. Don't know what day I will be on though, but it will be on Christmas holidays at seven p.m.
Merry Christmas,
The Pony Dreamer
Tomorrow I will be dancing my "Jingle bells" dance and singing "it's so good to have you home" and "Go tell it on the mountain." But sad for me it is going to snow another five to ten cm. of snow!! I won't be able to go if it snows like that.
On Monday, I will be recording a episode of Kidzone on UCB Canada. Don't know what day I will be on though, but it will be on Christmas holidays at seven p.m.
Merry Christmas,
The Pony Dreamer
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Seven days until Christmas!
Seven days in tell Christmas!
All I want for Christmas is....
...what I already have!!!
I have a wonderful family, most of the time.
God gave me his one and only son,
An almost perfect dog,
Some good friends at school and at church,
A great new church filed with lots of friends.
What more could I want for Christmas?
Although I would not say "no" to a Wii or other nice Christmas presents under the tree! lol!
Merry Christmas to all,
and to all a good night!
The Pony Dreamer!
All I want for Christmas is....
...what I already have!!!
I have a wonderful family, most of the time.
God gave me his one and only son,
An almost perfect dog,
Some good friends at school and at church,
A great new church filed with lots of friends.
What more could I want for Christmas?
Although I would not say "no" to a Wii or other nice Christmas presents under the tree! lol!
Merry Christmas to all,
and to all a good night!
The Pony Dreamer!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
Bonjour! Hello!
Today is a very special day! Today is my very first SNOW DAY!
My bus is canceled and I'm at home!
Guess what! Just 15 days tell Christmas! And this is even better,
Two weeks tell Christmas Eve!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
The Pony Dreamer!
(P.S. Look below this post to find a Christmas Poem!)
Today is a very special day! Today is my very first SNOW DAY!
My bus is canceled and I'm at home!
Guess what! Just 15 days tell Christmas! And this is even better,
Two weeks tell Christmas Eve!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
The Pony Dreamer!
(P.S. Look below this post to find a Christmas Poem!)
My Christmas poem.
Hello my friends!
Here is a Christmas poem for you all:
Well it is 15 days tell Christmas and I just can't wait!
All the snow I see all white and great!
Look out side your window, what do you see?
I think I see a Christmas tree!
Merry Christmas one and all,
Come and sing the Christmas call!
Merry Christmas to all
and to all a good night!
The Pony Dreamer!
Here is a Christmas poem for you all:
Well it is 15 days tell Christmas and I just can't wait!
All the snow I see all white and great!
Look out side your window, what do you see?
I think I see a Christmas tree!
Merry Christmas one and all,
Come and sing the Christmas call!
Merry Christmas to all
and to all a good night!
The Pony Dreamer!
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Music, fun and Christmas.
This Friday my Jr. high has a talent show. I will be singing Pray by Pure NRG.
On Sunday the 21 I will be dancing and singing at Harvest Church.
Oh, and Christmas is so soon! I just can't wait, but Christmas is 18 days away. I wish Christmas was sooner!
But I have to say, my favorite part of Christmas is helping my dad buy and make gifts for my mom. One year he carved Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus from wood. This year he made...... wait a second! My mom reads this too! I guess I can't tell you yet, maybe after Christmas.
I better get going, talk to you later.
The Pony Dreamer!
This Friday my Jr. high has a talent show. I will be singing Pray by Pure NRG.
On Sunday the 21 I will be dancing and singing at Harvest Church.
Oh, and Christmas is so soon! I just can't wait, but Christmas is 18 days away. I wish Christmas was sooner!
But I have to say, my favorite part of Christmas is helping my dad buy and make gifts for my mom. One year he carved Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus from wood. This year he made...... wait a second! My mom reads this too! I guess I can't tell you yet, maybe after Christmas.
I better get going, talk to you later.
The Pony Dreamer!
Friday, November 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!
Hello readers. The Pony Dreamer is Back!
Are you all excited for Christmas? I sure am. Two Fridays ago was the Christmas Parade. Now that sure made me feel like it was Christmas. Did you watch it? My favorite float was the Alvin and the Chipmunks float. Boy those dancers were great! LOL. I did not tell you guys, but if you are a close friend you will know the the Alvin and the Chipmunks float was my dance school's float. All the senior dancers (8 and up) danced hip-hop to jingle bells crazy frog when the parade stopped. When the parade was moving the seniors would high five little and big kids. Well you have probably guessed my secret by now, I was one of the senior dancers! I didn't see any floats, but I saw 3 great friends! Well any way, we walked abut 11 kilometers and danced at least 15 times! We were exhausted. I lost my voice at the end. We screamed a lot. Well that sure was made me feel like it was Christmas. The next day we set up our Christmas tree. That's a photo of it. My dad said it is his favorite Christmas tree he has had with mom and us.
Now two weeks later we have presents under the tree, mom's nativity scene, we are listening to more and more Christmas music and today I made my own nativity scene from a kit mom bought for me. On Sunday I will be going to a Christmas party at my best friend's house. We will be decorating her tree and playing Christmas games. Oh, how I can't wait for Christmas. All though, having a nice Christmas tree, three weeks off of school, giving and getting gifts and spending time with family and friends are fun and great, but the true meaning of Christmas is Jesus birthday! I will never forget that. Thank you God for your one and only son.
God bless and Merry Christmas,
The Pony dreamer!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Music, music and more music!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dear Reader,
Last post I told you my three favorite bands. Well here is a music video of Pure NRG. Hope you Like it!:0)
Don't you just love music!? I sure do.
I did not get the teacher I was hoping to have, I know God was still looking out for me because he gave me new friends, a locker and Music. I bet you are wondering why I'm thanking God for music. Well it's because, last Monday our Music teacher told us that the grade 7 and 8 only got to play instruments, but since we are in a split class we, grade sixes get to play an instrument. Well right away I knew what I wanted to play. Something my dad used to play. Well she told us how to put these instruments together and boy it took forever and ever and ever. But when she read the names and asked what instrument they wanted I chose......................... sorry have to go! Bye now!
Just kidding. I chose the TENOR SAX!!!!! Dad still has his so I can play it at home too! Go me. Thank you God. Well thanks for reading,
The Pony Dreamer!
Last post I told you my three favorite bands. Well here is a music video of Pure NRG. Hope you Like it!:0)
Don't you just love music!? I sure do.
I did not get the teacher I was hoping to have, I know God was still looking out for me because he gave me new friends, a locker and Music. I bet you are wondering why I'm thanking God for music. Well it's because, last Monday our Music teacher told us that the grade 7 and 8 only got to play instruments, but since we are in a split class we, grade sixes get to play an instrument. Well right away I knew what I wanted to play. Something my dad used to play. Well she told us how to put these instruments together and boy it took forever and ever and ever. But when she read the names and asked what instrument they wanted I chose......................... sorry have to go! Bye now!
Just kidding. I chose the TENOR SAX!!!!! Dad still has his so I can play it at home too! Go me. Thank you God. Well thanks for reading,
The Pony Dreamer!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Dear Reader,
you should probably know a little more about me. Well I'm in grade 6, French Im. I have red hair and freckles. Now I will list ofmy top three favorite things, like my favorite colors, bands, songs, books ( series ) sand school subjects.
!!!= Top Favorite
!!= Second Favorite
!= Third Favorite.
Colors Green!!! Purple!! Blue!
New world son!!!
Pure NRG!!
Toby Mac!
If we were a movie!!!
Guardians of Ga' hoole!!
Silent reading!!
you should probably know a little more about me. Well I'm in grade 6, French Im. I have red hair and freckles. Now I will list ofmy top three favorite things, like my favorite colors, bands, songs, books ( series ) sand school subjects.
!!!= Top Favorite
!!= Second Favorite
!= Third Favorite.
Colors Green!!! Purple!! Blue!
New world son!!!
Pure NRG!!
Toby Mac!
If we were a movie!!!
Guardians of Ga' hoole!!
Silent reading!!
You know how I told you about my favorite bands? I am going to post a Youtube Video of one of my favs. Well After you are done reading and watching, go to comments and let me know what band you like best! Yours Truly,
The Pony Dreamer
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Welcome back Granny and Grandpa!
Do you live by your family or a close friend? When they go away do you miss them? Or are you fine and do other stuff? Well my grand parents live close and I visit them often. They went away for ten days to see my aunt and uncle and cousin, Mark. I missed them very much. I have lost count of how many times I just wanted to phone and chat. So Granny and Grandpa if you are reading this I just want to say WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!!
The Pony Dreamer!
The Pony Dreamer!
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
School again!
School again, school again!
Let me tell you a story. On Friday we went to see the school lists. I really,really,really wanted a teacher. So I went. "Mme R. not Mme. G." I was sad, but that was nothing compared to what happened next, I looked for three names. "Samantha, Mara and Clare." None of them in my class!
I was so bummed! First a teacher, now no friends. Not even my boy friends ( friends that are boys) were in my class and I have 8 boy friends! But the first day of school soon came and I try to make the best of it. My teach said there were no hooks so we were going to share lockers! How great! I said I could go in a group of three me, Maggie and someone else. Kira. Boy I can not wait for my third day of school tomorrow! THE END!
the pony dreamer!
Let me tell you a story. On Friday we went to see the school lists. I really,really,really wanted a teacher. So I went. "Mme R. not Mme. G." I was sad, but that was nothing compared to what happened next, I looked for three names. "Samantha, Mara and Clare." None of them in my class!
I was so bummed! First a teacher, now no friends. Not even my boy friends ( friends that are boys) were in my class and I have 8 boy friends! But the first day of school soon came and I try to make the best of it. My teach said there were no hooks so we were going to share lockers! How great! I said I could go in a group of three me, Maggie and someone else. Kira. Boy I can not wait for my third day of school tomorrow! THE END!
the pony dreamer!
Friday, August 29, 2008
37 bug bites (on ONE hand)!!!!!!!!!
Summer is almost done. But one more thing happened. I went to my friends cottage and we slept in a tent. I guess there were lots of misquotes and well...... everything was covered, but my hands and face. And lets just say I'm COVERED in bug bites! On my right hand I have 37 bug bites, on my left have I have 15 bug bites and on my face I have 20 bug bites. Here are photos of all the bites on my hand

Thursday, August 07, 2008
What a week
Hi again!
You would not believe the week I had! Tuesday one of my friends asked me if I wanted to go to a splash park. Of course I said yes so I went. After that she asked if I wanted to go for a sleep over. My mom said yes so I was off. The next day we played, but when I got home I remembered that I was going to go to my grandparents house for a sleep over. Then I am here today. On sat. I will be going camping and having a fun week with my parents. I hope you all had a good week too.
Talk to you later,
The Pony Dreamer!
You would not believe the week I had! Tuesday one of my friends asked me if I wanted to go to a splash park. Of course I said yes so I went. After that she asked if I wanted to go for a sleep over. My mom said yes so I was off. The next day we played, but when I got home I remembered that I was going to go to my grandparents house for a sleep over. Then I am here today. On sat. I will be going camping and having a fun week with my parents. I hope you all had a good week too.
Talk to you later,
The Pony Dreamer!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Lazy Dayz
Rain, rain go away, come again another day!
Boy. Rain, rain and more rain.
If you are wondering what to do on a rainy day here are some ideas:
-read, read, read and well.. read!
-play with toys.
-have a play date!
-watch a movie.
Oh! Last night I went to the movie theater. We watched Journey To The Center Of The Earth!!!!
It was awesome! Some intense scenes, but really great!
Mom is making cookies with bro and dad is at work.
I'll wright later,
your's truly,
The Pony Dreamer!
Boy. Rain, rain and more rain.
If you are wondering what to do on a rainy day here are some ideas:
-read, read, read and well.. read!
-play with toys.
-have a play date!
-watch a movie.
Oh! Last night I went to the movie theater. We watched Journey To The Center Of The Earth!!!!
It was awesome! Some intense scenes, but really great!
Mom is making cookies with bro and dad is at work.
I'll wright later,
your's truly,
The Pony Dreamer!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Hi! It's been a while, but here I am!
The year passed soooo quickly I could not believe it.
There have been some great things this summer, and bad things this summer.
The good things are:
-My dad gets a week off!!!!!!!
- My Uncle, Aunt and Cousins ( that I have not seen for heaven only knows how long ) are visiting us!
- I'm going camping for the first time in my life! Yes I know it's sad, but the truth.
-I have been swimming at my friends house and swimming at a public pool. I have spent time with a good friend and time with family.
- A DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got a door for my room.
The things I could have lived with out:
-A sprained thumb. (oww!)
- A scraped body from the rapids. (I'll tell you the story some other time.) Being scared out of my wits! And thats about it!
My fav. things to do on summer holidays:
-Reading Warriors! (Great books about cats that live in Clans. Auther: Erin Hunter. If you like Cats you will like Warriors! Give them a try! )
-Go swimming.
-Play with friends.
-And spend time with family.
Now that it's summer I can type on my blog more! Talk to you soon!
The Pony Dreamer!
The year passed soooo quickly I could not believe it.
There have been some great things this summer, and bad things this summer.
The good things are:
-My dad gets a week off!!!!!!!
- My Uncle, Aunt and Cousins ( that I have not seen for heaven only knows how long ) are visiting us!
- I'm going camping for the first time in my life! Yes I know it's sad, but the truth.
-I have been swimming at my friends house and swimming at a public pool. I have spent time with a good friend and time with family.
- A DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got a door for my room.
The things I could have lived with out:
-A sprained thumb. (oww!)
- A scraped body from the rapids. (I'll tell you the story some other time.) Being scared out of my wits! And thats about it!
My fav. things to do on summer holidays:
-Reading Warriors! (Great books about cats that live in Clans. Auther: Erin Hunter. If you like Cats you will like Warriors! Give them a try! )
-Go swimming.
-Play with friends.
-And spend time with family.
Now that it's summer I can type on my blog more! Talk to you soon!
The Pony Dreamer!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Shool is almost out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!
I CAN'T WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO BE OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi! I'm sorry I have not been writing latley. ( O.K. I have not writtn in a LONG time! )
I will miss my friends, but just a little, o.k. mabey a little more, O.K. a lot
I better go now, but don't forget to be a pony dreamer
Hi! I'm sorry I have not been writing latley. ( O.K. I have not writtn in a LONG time! )
I will miss my friends, but just a little, o.k. mabey a little more, O.K. a lot
I better go now, but don't forget to be a pony dreamer
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Hi Again!
Hi again! Happy New year!
It feels so great to have a new year! Today I am at home because I have been sick for 3 days, but today I am much better. I is just a rest day. I have been very busy. School and stuff! I am very existed on Sunday me and Josiah are going to a Pizza Party because I read the old testament and Josiah read the whole Bible.
In the old year I had to change classes, but I love my class more than the old. God definitely knows what he is doing! At school I do have problems with some friends, but he helps me and makes everything better. He is the healer of hearts!
In less than one month my brother is having his 13th birthday! He IS getting a Wii! How do I know? My mom kinda spilled that one. There is one thing for certain I can't wait to get back to school!
Well I better go! Until next time be a pony dreamer.
It feels so great to have a new year! Today I am at home because I have been sick for 3 days, but today I am much better. I is just a rest day. I have been very busy. School and stuff! I am very existed on Sunday me and Josiah are going to a Pizza Party because I read the old testament and Josiah read the whole Bible.
In the old year I had to change classes, but I love my class more than the old. God definitely knows what he is doing! At school I do have problems with some friends, but he helps me and makes everything better. He is the healer of hearts!
In less than one month my brother is having his 13th birthday! He IS getting a Wii! How do I know? My mom kinda spilled that one. There is one thing for certain I can't wait to get back to school!
Well I better go! Until next time be a pony dreamer.
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