Happy first day of school. Yahoo.
I'm not so pleased to go to school, but I went. I got one of my English projects back. Have any of you read Hatchet? Well we had to read it for school and we had to write and "I Am" poem about what Brian (main character) was like at the end of the book.
I have typed it out for all to see. Here it is,
I am Brian
I am a dreamer and brave.
I wonder how I will survive the winter.
I hear the wind whispering her soft song.
I see the water dancing in the faint wind.
I wand to forget the horrifying secret.
I am a dreamer and brave.
I pretend that I will one day be rescued,
I fell the scorching flame of my fire, my friend.
I touch the spirit of the of the wilderness.
I worry, what if I never see my sweet home again.
I cry when I realize that I will not be rescued, not now, not ever.
I am a dreamer and brave
I understand I am alone, no one but me and the wild.
I say death will not come today, or any time soon.
I dream of seeing my friends and family that mean so much to me.
I try to survive an almost impossible dream.
I hope to never lose my hatchet, my life and hope.
I am a dreamer and brave.
By The Pony Dreamer.
The Pony Dreamer